Boeing 787-10 is the stretched version of B787. The seating capacity of B787-10 is over 330 passengers and is 224 ft long. Moreover, on 3rd April 2018, the aircraft inaugurated its services with Singapore Airlines. The B787-10 contributed only 11% in B787s orders.

Photo Credit: Boeing

Comparison of Boeing 787-10 with other Variants

So, the following are the technical specifications of Boeing 787-10 and other variants.

787-8 Dreamliner787-9 Dreamliner787-10 Dreamliner
Passengers (two-class)248296336
Range nmi (km)7,305 nmi (13,530 km)7,530 nmi (13,950 km)6,345 nmi (11,750 km)
Length57 m (186 ft)63 m (206 ft)68 m (224 ft)
Wingspan60 m (197 ft)60 m (197 ft)60 m (197 ft)
Height17 m (56 ft)17 m (56 ft)17 m (56 ft)
EngineGEnx-1B / Trent 1000GEnx-1B / Trent 1000GEnx-1B / Trent 1000

Hence, B787-10 carries more passengers than other variants and provides more capacity in the short-range.

B787-10 is a better choice

As B787-10 has a short-range than both the – 9 and – 8 because of its more capacity of travelers and cargo, it implies that airlines can use B787-10 services on long-haul courses where there is more demand for traveling.

Moreover, there is a unique technology in B787-10, known as F0VMS (flaps up vertical mode suppression system). The forms system is used to maintain the flutter-damping margin requirements of § 25.629 and support the Advisory Circular (AC) 25.629-1B. However, this system will increase the torsional stiffness of the wing. As in commercial aircraft, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) called F0VMS the first “active modal suppression system for flutter compliance”.

By definition the F0VMS system is an active modal-suppression system that will provide additional damping to an already stable, but low-damped, 3Hz symmetric wing, nacelle, and body aeroelastic mode of the airplane. This feedback-control system will maintain adequate damping margins to flutter. The F0VMS system accomplishes this by oscillating the elevators, and, when needed, the flaperons.

B787-10 took its first flight in 2017, it is the latest variant of B787 so being new it has less popular than other variants. However, some airlines are using B777-200ERs aircraft to operate their flights smoothly which is similar to B787-10 in terms of range and capacity.

According to some reports, the old B777-200ERs are retiring so as a result B787-10 will have the chance to take its pace and gain some popularity.

Featured Image: Aviation Voice

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